Review: Captive Queen The Decrypted History of Mary, Queen of Scots by Jade Scott

★★★★☆.5 | Book 10 of 2025 | thank you to Pegasus Books for the finished copy of this book!

Captive Queen The Decrypted History of Mary, Queen of Scots by Dr. Jade Scott is a new book focused on the life of Mary Queen of Scots, primarily during her period of incarceration in England by her cousin, Queen Elizabeth I of England. Even more specifically, Jade Scott has used Mary’s correspondence during this period to form the foundation of this book, and most significantly, includes some newly discovered letters. Dr. Jade Scott is a historian who specialises in Mary, Queen of Scots; her expertise in the queen’s letters and her passion, and respect for Mary clearly shines through. The book follows Mary, Queen of Scots, essentially from her second marriage to Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley and the troubles that ensued from that relationship through her third marriage to James Hepburn, 4th Earl of Bothwell, to her forced abdication from the throne of Scotland and her twenty year imprisonment in England before her execution on the 8th of February, 1587.

The concept of ‘decrypting’ is particularly interesting. Mary was often in correspondence with those in her confidence around plots and plans to free her from her imprisonment in England. In an effort to keep her letters secret, Mary and her correspondents wrote in cipher. The beginning of each chapter includes a single chosen cipher symbol that represents a person of interest that features in the chapter, as well as a quote from a letter, and a short, reimagined scene of Mary or one of her friends or confidants. It was a great way to initiate a chapter by easily framing the focus of it. Because of the use of letters as primary resources, there is a focus on Mary’s personal relationships with those who she was in contact with such as her cousin and captor, Queen Elizabeth I of England. There are also intimate insights into her letters to her son who she was unable to see past his infancy, and with those working to free her from her prison, with the lofty hopes of placing her on England’s throne.

Captive Queen does what I think many historical biographies and history books in general struggle to do, and that is bring the subject close to the reader, in that this feels like an intimate story of the second half of Mary’s life. Letters are in and of themselves, a more personal kind of resource, for in some cases we see Mary’s handwriting and her signature and the detail in which her ciphers were crafted that, as Jade Scott puts it in the preface ‘is like she is reaching out through time’.

This book is a perfect balance of up to date research and new discoveries, whilst being completely accessible to the general history enthusiast. I think it is so important to make cutting edge history and archaeology research accessible to the general public, and this book is an exceptional example of this. I had not heard about the discovery of the new ciphered letters from Mary, Queen of Scots, so in particular, I enjoyed learning about the new aspects of Mary and her correspondence that we have learned from these new documents. Of course, it is also nice when books include images to supplement the text, and this book included black and white images throughout it as well as two coloured image sections. The inclusion of images of full cipher keys, which is essentially a cheat sheet to be able to understand the cipher code letters were written in, was a highlight. Further, Scott has included both a Dramatis Personae at the beginning that lists all of the important figures that will be encountered in the book, and a helpful chronology / timeline at the end as a simplified rundown of the main events throughout Mary’s life.

Overall, I thought this was an exceptional book. It was easy to read, well researched (and referenced!) and used the letters in a way that supplemented the story of Mary’s life, whilst also illuminating new information we have learnt about the queen. I would recommend this to all lovers of history, and particularly to those with a love of historical texts, and of course, Mary, Queen of Scots.

Review: River Kings by Cat Jarman

★★★★☆ — thanks to Pegasus Books for providing me with the e-book of River Kings! In true Kelly fashion though, I did eventually go out and buy a paperback edition as well.

River Kings, written by bioarchaeologist Cat Jarman (who is also a field archaeologist who specialises in the Viking Period) takes a small carnelian bead found in the site of Repton and follows what may have been its journey through the Viking world all the way to Baghdad and India. Jarman works with DNA analysis, isotope analysis and radiocarbon dating of the archaeological finds to trace the Vikings from Britain, through Scandinavia and ultimately uncovers greater interaction and movement between the west and the east. Jarman uses these new scientific methods to gain new information from the bones and teeth of bodies we have known about for years, but now we can understand through the isotope analyses of bones and teeth where these people were born, their some of their migration history and even the type of diet they had. Using new scientific discoveries, archaeological evidence and the historical record (taking into account their bias and unreliability), Jarman starts in Repton, Darbyshire and follows the journey of a single carnelian bead through the world of the Vikings, using other objects as stepping stones to gain a new understanding of the movement and trade in the Viking world between Britain and as far as Gujarat, India, where the carnelian bead may have begun its journey.

At the beginning of each chapter, Jarman contextualises the object that will be the focus of the coming chapter in either a fictional or non-fictional way, imagining how it may have been used in the Viking world, or telling us of its modern history such as when it was discovered. It made me think of the structure of The Real Valkyrie which did something very similar at the beginning of each chapter! Early on, Jarman highlights issues she and other scholars and archaeologists face when interpreting evidence from the Viking world and doesn't hesitate to err on the side of caution when proposing solutions for issues in the book. Jarman introduced the old information, the new scientific information and even the biased and unreliable historical information and then proposes a tentative conclusion that gives the reader the opportunity to agree with her interpretation of the evidence, or to disagree. Her own personal experiences and insights really enriched the book, and gave weight to her suggestions and conclusions throughout the book.

The graves we find are multifaceted: we have no way of knowing whether those items even belonged to the deceased or whether they were gifts placed there by the mourners. They may not even reflect much about the person’s life… The dead do not bury themselves. (21)

…but unless you have another form of proof, it is practically impossible to prove the intention behind their death (38).

I am fascinated with the archaeology of death, and Jarman takes the time to highlight the issues surrounding interpretations of bodies, grave goods, identities and even the intention behind violent deaths and she does it succinctly, and early on in her book which really sets the tone for her interpretations and tentative conclusions later on. Jarman suggests caution when interpreting scientific evidence, and that we can only glean so much from the bones and the teeth about an individual. Honestly, it completely blew my mind, the things that we can learn from the different types of scientific dating and analysis.

Jarman dedicates much of her book to women in the Viking world and their place in the archaeological record, as well as slaves and their lack of representation in the record despite the lucrative slave trade we know was being conducted during this time. So much of this book fascinated me, and one of those things was how the early work at Repton overlooked women due to their skewed views on women at the time. Not to mention the dispute over the warrior woman found at Birka and the interesting discourse surrounding her. It has been questioned that just because she was buried with weapons does that make her a warrior in life, but these kinds of questions aren’t ever asked about men buried with weapons… Another topic of personal fascination is the discussion around how we cannot know the social significance and meaning of exotic goods in the Viking social context, and the recontextualising of material objects between different groups and cultures can transform their purpose and function. Were they a show of status and wealth? Did exotic goods show an individual’s power?

…genetics is not going to give us the ultimate answers: cultures and identities are far more complex and there is no such thing as a ‘genetic Viking.’ (128)

River Kings is like a stepping stone to even more answers about the Vikings, the objects they left behind and their, movement throughout their known world. As more testing is conducted and new evidence is found, more and more will be understood about the Vikings, and this book is like the first piece of the puzzle on the journey to understanding the whole picture. Not only does Jarman work to understand how a single carnelian bead ended up in a Viking burial at Repton, but she stresses the importance of our understanding of how these types of objects fit into the wider Viking world. This book is a truly rich insight into the trade and movements of people, beliefs and objects in the Viking world, and I could not recommend it enough to any lover of archaeology, ancient trading and the Vikings.

Have you read River Kings? What did you think of it? Do you have any book recommendations for lovers of Vikings? Let me know in the comments of this post, or over on my Instagram @kell_read

Review: Queens of Jerusalem - The Women Who Dared To Rule by Katherine Pangonis

★★★★☆.5 | ebook | book eleven of 2022 — I was provided a free PDF copy of Queens of Jerusalem from Pegasus Books

A kindle reader is on white linen to the left of small purple flowers with long green stems. The kindle is showing the book cover of Queens of Jerusalem by Katherine Pangonis

Queens of Jerusalem: The Women Who Dared To Rule by Katherine Pangonis is a non-fiction book focussed on the lives of the royal women who ruled in the Medieval Middle East (or Outremer) from 1099 to Saladin’s conquest of Jerusalem in 1187. These women have been consistently overshadowed by the kings and leaders of the crusades, and this book strives to change that. By putting the Queens of Jerusalem, the Princesses of Antioch, and the Countesses of Tripoli and Edessa to the fore, readers not only get a brand new look into the history of Outremer during the early crusades but they are reminded that women were present and active during this time in history. It is about time these strong, ruling ladies were brought to the forefront of history, and Queens of Jerusalem does just that.

They have been remembered as the wives, mothers, daughters and sisters of powerful men, not as autonomous individuals and active leaders with their own political agency (Pg. 22)

Pangonis begins with Morphia of Melitene, Queen of Jerusalem and mother of four more influential women in Outremer history; Queen Melisende of Jerusalem, Princess Alice of Antioch, Countess Hodierna of Tripoli and Abbess Yvette of Bethany and describes the lives, events and obstacles overcome by all of these women and their daughters, nieces and step-daughters including Princess Constance of Antioch, Agnes of Courtenay and Queen Sibylla of Jerusalem among others. Of course, Pangonis hasn’t failed to include probably the most well known Queen during this time period, and that is Eleanor of Aquitaine. Although Eleanor of Aquitaine wasn’t a ruling woman of Outremer but instead Queen of France, and then Queen of England, Pangonis makes a very convincing argument that Eleanor’s time with her husband during the Second Crusade in Outremer affected her in later life and shaped her into the woman she has been remembered as.

As someone who has learnt about the Crusades and Medieval Europe, I was embarrassed to admit the only name I recognised in this list of influential women was Eleanor of Aquitaine, but now that has all changed. Pangonis has done an exceptional job relating the history of Outremer and the Holy City of Jerusalem from the coronation of Queen Morphia of Jerusalem to the resilient Sibylla, Queen of Jerusalem who defended her city and her people against Saladin. Her writing style is accessible, entertaining and clear. At times, I forgot I was reading a non-fiction account of real people, such is Pangonis’ talents at recounting the lives of these women. Often embroiled in scandal the lives of the elite of Outremer read like a Medieval sitcom with whispers of affairs and men choosing to marry the daughter instead of the mother. It is equally surprising (given how interesting these women were) and unsurprising (given the time period in which they lived) that the main chronicler of the time, William of Tyre, gave so little mention to the queens, princesses and countesses of Outremer. William began the trend of excluding the women of Jerusalem from the records, but this book works tirelessly to undo his shortsightedness.

He [William] does not give much credit to the notion that the women he writes about were individuals as complex as the men, and he prefers to cast women as literary tropes rather than depict them as living, breathing humans (Pg. 36)

A most interesting discussion that is carried through the book is the difference between having power and having authority. For example, Constance the rightful princess of Antioch had authority as the daughter of Bohemond II, the granddaughter of Bohemond I and the mother of Bohemond III but only half of the surviving charters her husband Raymond issued were with her consent (158-9). This suggests that although she was a princess and held that position of authority in her own right, she didn’t seem to wield any political power. Pangonis demonstrates this difference between power and authority numerous times throughout her book, and often brings in the other women to make comparisons with, such as Constance and Raymond compared to the reigning couple her aunt Melisende and Faulk.

Queens of Jerusalem truly gives the voice back to the ruling women of Outremer from 1099 to Saladin’s conquest of Jerusalem in 1187 and is a wonderful read for lovers of medieval history, revisionist history and books on the lives of women. It has been written with care and consideration of both bias from the medieval chroniclers, and the issues involved in modern terminology and views of feminism and misogyny.

The way women are presented within chronicles may not actually reflect the reality of their standing in society. With this in mind, the word ‘misogyny’ can only be uncomfortably applied to medieval society, but it may be more comfortably applied to medieval chronicles (Pg. 35)

This was a wonderful and incredibly insightful read, filling a gap in the literature of the Medieval Ages that has been empty for too long. If you have read this book, I would love to hear your opinions! Make sure to let me know in the comments or you can find me @kell_read on Instagram